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our greatest professional satisfaction comes from contributing to the creation of engaging, enjoyable and sustainable public places and landscapes that engender a sense of joy and well being for others.


The relationship between high quality ‘green infrastructure’ and the health and wellbeing of people is well established by research. At the same time, continued growth of cities at higher densities is placing increased pressures on public open spaces and urban ecologies. As landscape architects we play a key role in addressing this challenge by applying our knowledge and skills at the strategic planning level, the concept design and detailed design stage and development of individual projects.

We therefore seek opportunities to work with clients to achieve creative, high quality and sustainable outcomes. Our approach is almost always multi-disciplinary and

collaborative to effectively address the complex issues associated with urban green infrastructure projects. As landscape architects we bring to projects a distinctive combination of understanding context, creative planning, conceptualisation and design skills to provide leadership and facilitate effective collaboration between a diverse range of design professionals.

We approach each project by first clearly defining its purpose and context to inform our site planning and design process. Searching questions are asked at the beginning of projects to ensure that design outcomes are appropriate, creative and sustainable.

Our goal is to add value to projects by interpreting their environmental, economic and social context as the basis for design thinking that responds to the unique values of each site, functional requirements and user experience to achieve a creative integration of built and natural environments.

Understanding how people value, use and respond to green infrastructure is a welcomed challenge. We therefore continually draw on current research relating on the role played by high quality public spaces and pedestrian/cycle networks in enhancing community health and sense of well-being.